We will help you saving more than 30% from the purchase budget


Price projects Technical Architect, Architect , Geotechnical and Topographical

Remember that we have a very special offer:

bureaucratic = zero cost

project of architect, direction of architect, geotechnical and topographic) we discount them in full of the price of the construction in the last invoice

From Design Architecture London

We offer a full service Design and Construction making your dream house a reality

Building for rent: We advise on the search for a suitable building land plot to claim a return of rent, dealing with everything from the search, construction and management of rental.

Build to live: If you want to build a high or Villa Residential Housing anywhere in Spain to live we will advise you to find the best investment that best suits your needs minding the whole process

The best designs and architectural projects single-family and multi-family market

The experience of having performed more than 1000 homes with unique designs and

With the guarantee 25 years of success in the market

Intermediation in the acquisition of land or lot where the client wants to build its High Residential House or Villa, dealing the whole process of creation and construction: geotechnical, topographic, project management and e-rigger Architect and processing and monitoring of the planning permission,We made the entire construction to deliver turnkey anywhere in Spain, including the Balearic Islands (Majorca, Ibiza ...) and Canary Islands (Lanzarote, Tenerife ...)



now it´s



We will help you saving more than 30% from the purchase budget



we love the sound of art 





we speak English, Spanish , Russian, Galician, Basque and Catalan

Design Architecture London, Ltd 

126 Wigmore Street Marylebone 

London W1U 3 RY 


Company number: 09015783

England Phone +44 (0)20 70092002


Atención  telefónica al cliente de lunes a viernes  

En caso de no poder a tenderle en el momento debido a que las líneas o el personal  estén ocupadas le devolveremos llamada en las siguientes 24 horas. Si es algo urgente escríbanos un email y nos pondremos en contacto a la máxima brevedad.


A CORUÑA: Juana de Vega, 9, 4º Iz, 15004

Telf:    881  916  472


MADRID: Calle de Velázquez, 55, 3D, 28001

Telf:   910  816  805


LONDON: 126 Wigmore Street Marylebone  W1U 3 RY 

Phone +44  (0) 20 70092002


Cualquier pregunta que tenga puede formularla  en los e-mails  que figuran a continuación

Empresa líder en construcción de viviendas unifamiliares en España. Con nosotros tiene garantizada la creatividad, originalidad y personalidad de su casa con la calidad verificada con controles internos y externos y con la tranquilidad de la empresa más sólida del mercado español.  Somos una empresa de arquitectura y construcción con  más de 30 años de experiencia en el mercado

El equipo está integrado por profesionales altamente cualificados como arquitectos, arquitectos técnicos, jefes de obra etc. Tenemos oficinas en España y Reino Unido. 



Company leader in Spain in construction of houses . With us you are guaranteed the creativity, originality and personality in your home. And the safety of the final quality verified by internal and external controls  and with the tranquility of the strongest company in the Spanish market.

We are an architecture and construction company with over 30 years experience in the Spanish market.

The team is formed of highly qualified professionals such as architects, project managers, technical engineers etc. We currently have offices in Spain and in the UK.